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Paul Tranter PCSi Owner Private Equity
What do you want to do?


Sourcing the most appropriate investment for your business is often the difference between failure and success. Finance is purely a resource; yes, it is the scarcest resource in most businesses, but none-the-less it’s a resource which you will put to use. That’s why at PCSi we start with understanding the purpose of accessing finance. What is it you want to do?

How do you know if you did the best deal?


All too often we find business owners and entrepreneurs who are somewhat dazzled by investors. By their very nature, business owners want to get on with creating value and getting the job done. There's a simple analogy we use that can help. If you were looking to build an extension on your house, would you simply give the job to the next builder you happened to bump into? Or would you check out the builders' qualifications, get several quotes, meet with several to discuss ideas, take some references, then make your final decision? Selling part or all of your business or raising private equity finance for an MBO is no different, you deserve to give yourself the opportunity to get the best deal. The PCSi investment readiness process is designed for exactly that purpose. So that you will know, you did the best deal.


Our experience ranges from an owner-manager wanting to retire in the next year, through to a management team looking to raise over £20m of private equity to fund an MBO and almost everything in between. We are sector agnostic and focus largely on UK-based companies. We have never failed to raise funds for a client who goes through our investment readiness process. That said, we are rigorous in our selection of clients. We don't want to waste your time, or ours. If we are not convinced we will be successful together, we will tell you immediately. If we can't help, we will tell you why and attempt to find someone who can. Check out our case studies here to give you an idea of what we can do...

Choosing the right option for your business


Once we understand why you want to access finance we can begin to discuss the options available to you. Together, we will identify which options are the most appropriate for your business and critically, which are not. The finance and investment world can appear complex, with literally hundreds of thousands of products. Getting expert, independent support is vital. We will work intelligently and tirelessly to get you the best deal. Get in touch to find out how…

Private Equity Compass
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